Equality and Diversity Policy
We are here to help – please contact sacc@scotacc.org or call our co-ordinator on 07934 295 047 if you have any questions about accessing our services or training.
SACC aims to provide a welcoming and inclusive culture in which our employees, volunteers, trustees, members, partners and everyone who accesses our support and training are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.
Making our services accessible to all and valuing people’s lived experience is at the heart of how SACC works and the support and training it provides.
If you want to find out more about SACC’s approach to equality and diversity please see our policy below. This can also be downloaded as a pdf here.
This Equality and Diversity policy lays out our commitment to promoting diversity and eliminating discrimination for everyone we employ, our volunteers and people who use our services.
It will ensure we do not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation – or in relation to people’s lived experience. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
SACC aims to provide an environment where everyone has a real choice to participate in the services we offer, and to contribute to the development of our core activities and processes.
We are committed to a culture where respect and understanding is fostered and the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is positively valued.
This approach will help us to more effectively address the needs of different groups and people within communities.
Our workforce
All workers, no matter whether they are part-time, full-time, temporary, freelance or volunteers will be treated fairly and with respect.
SACC workers and volunteers will treat everyone with dignity and respect.
SACC will ensure that all employees, job applicants, volunteers and people delivering services on behalf of SACC are given equal opportunities and that each person is respected and valued and able to give their best as a result.
When SACC selects candidates for employment, promotion, volunteering or any other benefit or qualification it will be on the basis of their aptitude and ability.
All employees and volunteers will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents. The skills and resources of our organisation will be fully accessible and able to be utilised by anyone who wishes to benefit from them.
Our services
People accessing SACC services – customers, clients, training participants, members, associates or guests will be treated with dignity and respect.
SACC services will be provided without unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation in relation to people’s protected characteristics.
Making reasonable adjustments for disabled people and valuing people’s lived experience will be at the heart of how SACC works and the services it provides.
Participants accessing our training courses and development opportunities will be respected and valued and no-one will be treated less favourably on grounds of their protected characteristics or lived experience.
Training participants will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and SACC will ensure reasonable adjustments are made for participants with disabilities.
Our Equality and Diversity Aims
SACC will
- Create a culture in which individual differences and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued and ensure no person is treated less favourably than another
- Ensure that the principles of equality and diversity are integrated into all our policies and working practices
- Create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for
– employees, volunteers, freelance workers
– anyone providing services to or on behalf of SACC – volunteers, freelance workers, workers from other organisations
– anyone using SACC’s services such as training participants; volunteers based in other organisations
– organisational members and their representatives
- Not tolerate any process, behaviour or attitude that might contribute to, or sustain, inequality and discrimination such as intimidation, bullying, or harassment
- Increase the representation of people with different characteristics and backgrounds through positive promotion of wider participation
- Provide relevant and appropriate access and reasonable adjustments to ensure SACC training courses and development opportunities increase participation of people with different characteristics and backgrounds
- Encourage and support anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns without victimisation.
Implementation of this policy
SACC will inform all employees, volunteers and people providing a service on our behalf that an equality and diversity policy is in place – and where it can be found – and that they are obliged to comply with its requirements to promote equality and diversity.
We will make our Equality and Diversity policy available on-line www.scotacc.org
SACC will regularly review our practices, policies and procedures to ensure that no person is being treated less favourably.
We will ensure our workers and volunteers have access to training around equality and diversity when appropriate.
This policy will also be drawn to the attention of funding agencies, stakeholders, customers, learners, and job applicants.
SACC’s equality and diversity policy is fully supported by its board of trustees.
Implementation of our policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it continues to promote equality and diversity for workers, volunteers, members and people who use our services.
SACC Equality and Diversity policy update Nov 2019